Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
Wooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room
৳ 8,500(Fixed)


Title :

Three Seater Sofa

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Three Seater SofaWooden Three Seater Sofa for Living Room

Three Seater SofaProduct type : Wooden three Seater Sofa

Three Seater SofaColour ; Picture Colour / Any

Three Seater SofaFinest quality imported accessories ensure the strong structure

Three Seater SofaContemporary, flared arms and plush feel this three Seater Sofa

Three Seater SofaBlack wooden feet ensure a sturdy and stable foundation

Three Seater SofaCushions are filled with high-density foam this three Seater Sofa

Product delivery duration may vary due to availability in stock

Condition Apply

Stock Limited

Leather Soft upholstery for superior strength and softness

Easy to wipe down and clean  these three Seater Sofa

Major Materials of three Seater Sofa : Mahogany Wood, Full Rubber Foam, Rexine, Artificial Leader , Engineering wood

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  • Condition: New
  • Furniture Type: Sofa & Divan
  • Brand: Other Brand

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