JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan
৳ 2,290(Fixed)


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JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan

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JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan 

The JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan is now available in Bangladesh. Get the original products at the most affordable price at BDSHOP.COM and enjoy the quality with the promise of the best customer service in Bangladesh.

The JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan is a small, compact fan designed for personal use in various settings such as the office, home, or while on-the-go


  1. Portability: This Rechargeable Fan fan is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry around in your bag or even in your pocket.
  2. USB rechargeable: The fan can be recharged through a USB cable, which is included in the package. This makes it convenient to charge the fan from a computer, power bank, or any other USB power source.
  3. Adjustable speed settings: The fan has three adjustable speed settings, allowing you to customize the airflow to your liking.
  4. Quiet operation: The fan operates quietly, making it suitable for use in quiet environments such as libraries or offices.
  5. Long battery life: The fan has a built-in rechargeable battery that can last up to 8-15 hours on a single charge, depending on the fan speed and usage.

Overall, the JISULIFE FA19 USB Portable Rechargeable Fan is a versatile and convenient fan that can provide a cool breeze on a hot day or in a stuffy room.


  • Brand: JISULIFE
  • Model: FA19
  • Capacity: 4000 mAh
  • Runtime: 3.5-13.5hours
  • Charging Time: 3-5hours
  • Max. Wind Speed: 3.8m/s
  • Connector: USB Type-C 2.0
  • Power Consumption: 4W
  • Noise Level: 46dB-60dB
  • Rotation Angle: 270°
  • Weight: 300g
  • Dimensions: 182 x 60 x 228 mm

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