Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj
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Dhalis Amber Resort , Munshigonj

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Where there’s unity, there’s luxury.

Dhalis Amber Resort is a unique place in Munshigonj, near Dhaka city. Where you can enjoy a picnic, stay in luxurious accommodation, and enjoy the natural beauty and entertainment of its children’s park. Whether you are taking your kids on holiday or enjoying a corporate picnic, you have everything for a memorable experience. One of the most luxurious resorts in Munshigonj is owned and operated by Mr. Nazrul Islam Dhali, the Managing Director of a renown industrialist. Dhalis Amber Resort  has developed with a unique concept of providing a serene atmosphere to its visitors. Set in beautiful landscaped gardens which kiss the banks of the lake.

Dhalis Amber Resort  has an arrangement of Bangla, Chinese, Indian, Bar-B-Q, Thai, and continental food. Around 40 officers and employees are doing their duties all the time.

Set on 20 acres of land near Munshigonj, Zero Point is only a 60-minute drive away.

The main feature of this Dhalis Amber Resort is Swimming pool (Approx. 24000SF), that is the Largest in Bangladesh. We have another swimming pool only for Ladies (Approx. 18,000SF) . We have 8 cottages called “Tea cottage, Mosjid cottage, Family cottage” on the garden area. Also have WaterLily & Lotus building on Lake. It has the option of staying on the balcony to enjoy the full moon night. Dhalis Amber Resort has the facility to take a boat ride, listen to the sound of the water, watch the fish at play or even try your hand at fishing. Upcoming laser show and water dance in its big swimming pool .

Related Tags : Resort Near Munshigonj , Resort Near Dhaka


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এখানেই শেষ নয়. AamarMarket.com এছাড়াও গাড়ি ভাড়া, টিউশন বিজ্ঞাপন, বাড়ি ভাড়া এবং অফিস ভাড়ার মতো পরিষেবাগুলোও বিজ্ঞাপন দিয়ে থাকে । আমরা বুঝি যে জীবন বহুমুখী, এবং আমাদের লক্ষ্য হল আমাদের প্ল্যাটফর্মের মাধ্যমে এর বিভিন্ন দিককে সহজতর করা ।

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Dhalis Amber Resort সতর্কতা – নিজ দায়িত্বে সকল লেনদেন করবেন । আমার  AamarMarket.com বাক্তিগত লেনদেন এর জন্য দায়ী  থাকবে না ।

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, AamarMarket.com is revolutionizing the way people buy and sell products and services in Bangladesh. Our platform serves as a bridge between buyers and sellers, providing a seamless and secure environment for transactions across various categories. As a third-party mediator, we facilitate connections and empower individuals to engage in successful business exchanges.

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What makes AamarMarket.com truly unique is our role as a facilitator. We do not sell any services ourselves; instead, we connect buyers and sellers, enabling them to establish direct contact and conduct transactions on their terms. By fostering this direct interaction, we promote transparency, trust, and open communication between parties.

As a startup, AamarMarket.com is committed to innovation and growth. We are constantly seeking ways to improve our platform, incorporating user feedback and embracing the latest technological advancements. Our user-centric approach ensures that we prioritize the needs and preferences of our customers, aiming to provide an exceptional online marketplace experience.

In conclusion, AamarMarket.com is reshaping the e-commerce landscape in Bangladesh by providing a platform that connects buyers and sellers across various categories. Our wide range of services, including buy and sell facilities, hotel and resort bookings, job ads, rentals, and exclusive discounts, sets us apart from traditional e-commerce platforms. Join us on this exciting journey as we empower individuals and businesses to thrive in the digital age. Discover the convenience, security, and endless possibilities that await you at AamarMarket.com.


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