Transform your home with our curated selection of Household Items. Sell your pre-loved goods or shop for unique finds to refresh your space with functionality and style.
Sewing Machine For Sale in Chittagong Agrabad
KF16k539 Sewing Machine Price Bangladesh CTG FB ID: Description: অরজিনিয়াল বাটার ফ্লাই একটি সেলাই মেশিন সেল করা হবে লোকেশন চট্টগ্রাম আগ্রাবাদ বিক্রয় মূল্য ৭০০০…
Sewing Machine For Sale in Chittagong
KF15k948 Sewing Machine Price in Bangladesh CTG FB ID: Description: সেলাই মেশিন বিক্রি হবে প্রাইস ৫৫০০ টাকা মোটর,মেশিন, সব নতুন. বাজেট কম হলে অজথা…
Oven Rack For Sale in Dhaka Mirpur
KF15k921 Oven Rack Price in Bangladesh FB ID: Description: oven rack টি বিক্রি করা হবে। ঘরে পর্যাপ্ত জায়গা না থাকার কারণে আর লাগানো হয়নি।…
Oven Rack For Sale in Dhaka
KF13k898 Oven Rack Price in Bangladesh FB ID: Description: Oven Rack Location : Dhaka Full cash home delivery deya hoye dhaka city te Order…
Sewing Machine For Sale
KF13k559 Sewing Machine Price in Bangladesh Mobile No/FB ID: 01815629272 Description: Price- 5500 taka, Location- Akbarshah, Chittagong. সতর্কতা – নিজ দায়িত্বে সকল লেনদেন করবেন ।…
Used Computer Table for sale
Code: AH11K52 Used Computer Table for price in Chittagong Mobile : 01612415955 Description: Used Computer Table for sale কেউ নিতে চাইলে যোগাযোগ করুন। লোকেশন :…
Dining table and Sofa set for sale
AH10K879 Used Dining table and Sofa set price Mobile No : 01713337159 Description: Used Dining table and Sofa set price Dining table: 5000 Sofa 2+2+1:…
Compact Design Computer Table Sale at Halishahar Chittagong
AH9K504 Title: Uesd Computer Table Sale at Halishahar Chittagong Mobile No : 01627046033 Description: Computer Table sale At Halishahar Unique And Compact Design Table Used…
Wall Mount Showpiece Rack with Clock
AH9K275 Title: Wall Mount Showpiece Rack with Clock Mobile No : 01793942495 Description: This Wall Mount Showpiece Rack with Clock can be used to place…
Sliding Door Almirah
AH9K83 Title: Sliding Door Almirah Mobile No : 01756665900 Description: This sliding door almirah is made of mahogany wood and mirror glass that comes with…
Round Center Table D56
AH8K08 Title: Round Center Table Mobile No : 01756-665900 Description: This D56 round center table appears with a modern exclusive design and comes with four…
Like Shaped Bookshelf
AH7K885 Title: Like Shaped Bookshelf Mobile No/FB ID: 01756-665900 Description: It is a heterogeneous bookshelf made of melamine board and kerosene wood, which will help…
10-Layer Storage Shoe Cabinet
AH7K884 Title: 10-Layer Storage Shoe Cabinet Mobile No/FB ID: 01756-665900 Description: The 10-Layer storage shoe cabinet is made of professional design and high-quality flexible resin…
Shelf Type Showcase designs
AH7K440 Title: Shelf Type Showcase designs Mobile No/FB ID: Description: The lowest price of Shelf type showcase designs in Bangladesh is only Buy at…
Melamine Board Reading table
AH7K149 Title: Melamine Board Reading table Mobile No/FB ID: Description: Full Specification A-13 Melamine Board Reading table Material Melamine Board, High-quality standard handle, Standard…