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The Dahua LM22-B201SW is a 21.45-inch IPS monitor that offers an impressive 100Hz refresh rate and Full HD resolution, making it a compelling choice for various computing and entertainment needs.
One of the standout features of this monitor is its 100Hz refresh rate, which provides smoother motion and reduced motion blur compared to standard 60Hz displays. This makes it particularly well-suited for gaming and watching fast-paced content, ensuring a more immersive and enjoyable experience.
The use of an IPS panel ensures that the monitor delivers accurate and vibrant colors with wide viewing angles. This is essential for tasks like graphic design, photo editing, and video playback, where color accuracy and consistency are critical.
The 21.45-inch size strikes a good balance between screen real estate and desk space, making it suitable for both work and entertainment setups. The monitor's design is sleek and modern, and it includes various connectivity options, such as HDMI and DisplayPort, for connecting to different devices.
Furthermore, the Full HD resolution ensures that you can enjoy sharp and detailed visuals, whether you're working on documents, streaming content, or gaming.
In conclusion, the Dahua LM22-B201SW 21.45'' IPS 100Hz FHD Monitor offers a combination of features that make it a versatile choice for various computing and entertainment tasks. Its high refresh rate, color accuracy, and Full HD resolution make it a valuable addition to any workspace or gaming setup.
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➢ ঠিকানাঃ-মিরপুর ১১ বাস্টান্ড, রাব্বানি হোটেল এর পিছনে ( Block-A)
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